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Get Involved with Your Town! Serve on a Board or Committee

Saturday, June 01, 2024 at 03:09 am

A great way to be part of our community is to serve on a Town advisory board or committee. Applications are accepted year-round and may be downloaded from the Town’s website (under documents tab) or picked up at Town Hall. No experience is necessary for most positions – just a willingness to learn about municipal services and an interest in serving the residents of Troutman.

  • Planning and Zoning Board: Reviews and recommends plans for new neighborhoods, text changes for zoning and subdivision laws, property rezonings, and short and long-term land-use plans.
  • Board of Adjustment: Hears and decides cases that range from granting specific variances from adopted rules to approving unique, special uses.
  • Design Review Board: Reviews and recommends proposals for building facades and alternative landscaping plans for multi-family and non-residential development.
  • Miscellaneous & Special Events: Help with community events that might include activities that support Troutman- ESC Park, land planning, citizen surveys, downtown promotions, etc.