Logo Town of Troutman

Schedule of Meetings

Town Council

Regular Council Meetings are held at Troutman Town Hall (400 N. Eastway Dr.) monthly on the second

Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm

Agenda Briefings are held monthly on the Monday before the second Thursday at 4:00 pm 

Policy # 51: Governing Comments from the Public at Town Council Meetings

Planning & Zoning Board

Planning & Zoning Board meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 pm.

Board of Adjustment

Board of Adjustment meets on the third Thursday at 3:00 pm.

Design Review Board

Design Review Board meets on the first Thursday at 3:30 pm.

ABC Board

ABC Board meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. For additional information, see Troutman ABC Board website: www.troutmanabc.com


All meetings are held at Troutman Town Hall, 400 N. Eastway Dr.

Meetings are open to the public

See attached Rules of Procedure for each Town Board/Committee