Schedule of Meetings
Town Council
Regular Council Meetings are held at Troutman Town Hall (400 N. Eastway Dr.) monthly on the second
Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm
Agenda Briefings are held monthly on the Monday before the second Thursday at 4:00 pm
Policy # 51: Governing Comments from the Public at Town Council Meetings
Planning & Zoning Board
Planning & Zoning Board meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 pm.
Board of Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meets on the third Thursday at 3:00 pm.
Design Review Board
Design Review Board meets on the first Thursday at 3:30 pm.
ABC Board
ABC Board meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. For additional information, see Troutman ABC Board website:
All meetings are held at Troutman Town Hall, 400 N. Eastway Dr.
Meetings are open to the public
See attached Rules of Procedure for each Town Board/Committee