Citizen Boards & Committees
Volunteer citizen advisory boards and committees provide an important role in the Troutman government. Boards and committees engage residents in the governmental process and provide advice to elected officials from a citizen’s perspective. In this way, citizens help shape the policies of the Town.
To apply to serve on a Town Board or Committee, please fill out an application. You will also be asked to read and verify that you understand and agree to the Boards and Committees Rules and Procedures as well as Town of Troutman Policy #61 Ethics and Conflict of Interest Guidelines for Town Advisory Boards and Committees. Please return all signed documents to Town Hall to the Town Clerk, Kimberly Davis: Board / Committee Application

The Town supports the following citizen Boards and Committees:
Board of Adjustment: The Board of Adjustment is a five-member citizen body comprised of three members who reside inside the Town Limits and two members who reside in the Town’s Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction (ETJ). In addition, two alternates serve (one inside member, one ETJ member). The purpose of the BOA is to hear cases and make decisions regarding variance requests, Special Use Permits (SUP), and appeals as they relate to the Town’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).
Design Review Board: The Design Review Board (DRB) reviews and approves the appearance of all multi-family and non-residential buildings. The DRB also approves alternative landscape designs. Priority appointments are given to applicants with special training or experience in a field of design such as architecture, landscape design, horticulture, city planning, urban design, building design, and construction.
Alcoholic Beverage Commission Board (ABC): Oversees and distributes the proceeds of alcohol sales, operates the Town’s ABC store and enforces NC ABC laws. This committee meets on an as-needed basis.
Planning and Zoning Board: The Planning and Zoning Board is a seven-member citizen body comprised of four members who live inside the Town limits and three members who reside in the Town’s Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction (ETJ). In addition, two alternates serve (one inside member, one ETJ member). The purpose of P&Z is to make recommendations to the Town Board related to site plans, subdivisions, text amendments, map amendments (rezoning), and other development matters.
Miscellaneous & Special Events: There are many annual town-sponsored community events, festivals, and races that require volunteers in order to go smoothly. There are also ongoing, year-round volunteer opportunities available for students, civic groups, businesses, and other organizations. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Emily Watson at [email protected] for more information.