Logo Town of Troutman

Kimberly Sager, Senior Utility Billing Specialist

Susan Kinahan, Administrative Supervisor

Cheryl Morrison, Utility Billing Specialist


The Finance Department provides accounting and financial management of all Town funds including the general fund, utility fund, and various capital funds for projects such as street paving, water, and sewer system expansion, park development, and greenway trail construction.

The department maintains an accounting and reporting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), administers the Town’s financial policies and procedures, assists in the preparation of all department/divisional budgets, monitors the adopted annual budget, and administers investment and debt portfolios, paying financial obligations, overseeing fixed assets records, and maintaining the Town’s accounting and reporting system software.


Utility Billing

Click Here for information regarding utility billing and making a payment.

    Justin Mundy, Finance Director

    Jessica Davidson, Customer Service Representative

    Vanessa Pinheiro, Customer Service Representative